Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Finally, the Republicans strap on a pair...

So I guess Congress isn't a complete bunch of lemmings, after all.

Finally, the Republican guard is saying "enough is enough" of stupid Dubya policy, and is rethinking the Dubai port decision. Check out the story in The Washington Post. While I'd like to believe, in my heart, that the capitalists of Dubai would not participate in nor allow acts of terrorism,
at some point you do have to admit, what with sleeper cells and the long lineage of American scorn and distaste coming from that part of the world, that we've got to watch our backs, no matter how great the payday.

So, bravo Congress. Now let's see you stand up for education, the American middle class, and stand UP to the oil and energy companies.

Now I'm DEFINATELY dreaming.


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